Monday, August 6, 2007

Sikh Psyche on Crossroads

Sikh psyche is perturbed over the recent happenings in Punjab in the name of religion. The sane elements vehemently feel that what is happening is not an aberration but direct result of the non-implementation of the ideology of Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh by those who have been at the helm of affairs.
The question arises whether those at the helm of affairs have been conscious to the real message of the holy Gurus. What the intellectual in the Sikhism about the indirect creeping of tribalism in Sikhism which has not allowed the message of the Gurus to percolate in the form of casteless society has not been materialized. They feel that if deviation or complete disassociation in the stream of Sikhism comes to fore is because of lack of mainstream in Sikhism where the poor sections of society feel deprived of the participation in the Sikh religious affair because of the domination of feudal mindset which controls the Sikh religious affairs through political maneuvering.
This is what they think is the result of deraism which is a religious reality. It is the duty of the members of the Sikh affairs to ensure that the deprive classes are allowed to have their direct say in the religious affairs. If not done timely the exoduses in the near future.
-by folkist as usual

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